This site shows the flow of funds from one address to another.
So far only USDT/USDC on ETH/BSC/Polygon/Base/Arbitrum are supported.
Let me know if you want to see other coins/chains or in the case if the site is broken.
(I am @racdbn on telegram and discord)
To address (Example: your address)
From address (Example: casino address)
If you put multiple addresses in a field separated by spaces or commas this should work too.
If instead of address you put a whole number X (Ex: 10) in "From address" field, you will get graphs of "To address" against its top X contacts(i.e. the ones he sent the most or got the most from ) and also the graph of him vs everybody else.
Choose network(s):
Choose token(s):
The number of days to check for transactions (Examples: 10 -> last 10 days, 0.25 -> last 6 hours). Alternatively you can put two Unixtimestamps and the script will search for transactions after the first timestamp but before the second.
The maximum number of dates on the graph. (If there are too many points on graphs your browser can run out of memory.)